Lab 02 - LIDAR: Cones detection

Robotics II

Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence

Laboratory 2: Cones detection using LIDAR sensor

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1. Introduction to LIDAR sensor

The laser scanner is a sensor that emits an infrared beam and then records the reflection of a given beam. There are 3 common ways how sensors work: - triangulation - laser emits beam and camera receiver checks the difference in the distance as changes in an angle of the received signal. Unequal measurement - closer distances are more accurately measured. Limited range of sensor due to base size and position. Image reference: How Do 3D Scanners Work?.

Below are shown examples of 3D laser scanners which use the ToF method - accordingly Velodyne VLP-16, Ouster OS1, and SICK MRS1000.

2. PointCloud2 Message

PointCloud2 Message is a part of sensor_msgs ROS package. Message consists of std_msgs/Header header which for every single message has unique ID, timestamp and name associated with frame. The raw PointCloud2 message definition is showed below:

# This message holds a collection of N-dimensional points, which may
# contain additional information such as normals, intensity, etc. The
# point data is stored as a binary blob, its layout described by the
# contents of the "fields" array.

# The point cloud data may be organized 2d (image-like) or 1d
# (unordered). Point clouds organized as 2d images may be produced by
# camera depth sensors such as stereo or time-of-flight.

# Time of sensor data acquisition, and the coordinate frame ID (for 3d
# points).
Header header

# 2D structure of the point cloud. If the cloud is unordered, height is
# 1 and width is the length of the point cloud.
uint32 height
uint32 width

# Describes the channels and their layout in the binary data blob.
PointField[] fields

bool    is_bigendian # Is this data bigendian?
uint32  point_step   # Length of a point in bytes
uint32  row_step     # Length of a row in bytes
uint8[] data         # Actual point data, size is (row_step*height)

bool is_dense        # True if there are no invalid points

3. Tasks

At the beginning

  1. Check if the container with your index number exists: docker ps -a.
  1. If so, wake up your container using docker start <YOUR_INDEX_ID>. Next, you can attach using the docker exec -it <YOUR_INDEX_ID> bash command.
  2. In another case, use the 01-course instruction and create it.
  1. Inside the container, go to the /home/fsdssim_user/Formula-Student-Driverless-Simulator/ros/src/RoboticsII-FSDS directory and perform the git pull command to check changes.


  1. Familiarise yourself with PointCloud2 message returned by lidar sensor using rostopic echo command. Check how much data are received and which type they are. Compare returned sensor message with initial setup described in settings.json file which is in Formula-Student-Driverless-Simulator directory. Check how many laser beams are used, points are recived and which different data fields are in message. AirSim lidar configuration is available on Docs » Using AirSim » Sensors » LIDAR.

  2. According to the pseudo-code shown below complete the find_cones method (in Formula-Student-Driverless-Simulator/ros/src/fsds_roboticsII/scripts/ which groups close points in the target range and removes points that are above the limit distance.

```{python, tidy=FALSE, eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE} cone <- [] current_group <- []

i <- 0 previous_point <- points[i]

FOR 1 TO len(points) i <- i + 1 current_point <- points[i]

distance_to_last_point <- distance(current_point_x, current_point_y, previous_point_x, previous_point_y)

IF distance_to_last_point < 0.1 current_group.append(current_point) ELSE IF current_group > 0 cone <- points_group_to_cone(current_group)

  distance_to_cone <- distance(0, 0, cone_position_x, cone_position_y)

  IF distance_to_cone < cones_range_cutoff

  current_group <- []


previous_point <- current_point ENDFOR ```

  1. In function distance ( script) implement euclidean distance calculation between two ponits from PointCloud2 message in XY-plane (skip Z axis value).

  2. Create a cone pose class by grouping points that belong to the same cone using the points_group_to_cone method. Calculate average X and Y value of group and assign to points_group_average_x and points_group_average_y variables.

  3. Test completed lidar cones detector code in simulator’s container using roslaunch fsds_roboticsII lidar_detector.launch (source ROS workspace if needed). The visualization of the end effect is depicted below.

  1. Add to the eKursy platform screenshot of Rviz viewer with added PointCloud2 message from Lidar sensor and Pose Array with detected cones (colored arrows in the center of the detected cone - as figure above).